Required Dependencies:
Flint is optional because the farm has it set to be incinerated by lava, but it could be modified after being built to store the flint for other uses. The 5 resources created are gold, iron, copper, zinc, and electrum (from Create Crafts and Additions), which are all sorted into their own vaults.
In short, it works by turning cobblestone into tuff, and grinding that into the various nuggets that are then compacted into ingots and put in vaults.
This isn't a very compact or cheap and early game farm, what with all the industrial iron and girders to make it look better. It also requires Create Crafts & Additions and Create Mechanical Extruder (Technically, Crafts & Additions isn't required but as of right now it would be a waste of resources to build it otherwise). An updated version that is more compact, cheaper to build, and can be made with only the base Create Mod will come sometime soon.