
made a simple Auto Sentry or Cannon works as a normal cannon or auto cannon just now you can freely move it and fire with out having to sit behind it or have large or ugly machines to turn and fire them. the controls a very simple WASD to move SAPCE to fire there is an extra slot open for those who might what to add a key for auto build and unbuild for loading but i left that open for the people and im just not that smart lol.

MODS USED: CREATE big cannons and create.

WARNING: this gun with not work alone you need my (Auto Cannon Control Platform) for it to work
KNOWN ISSUE: for what ever reason sometimes the up and down or left and right will swap if this does happen you can sawp the control blocks in the controller for the correct ones and it will work as intended. NOTE DO NOT change anything on the platform UNLESS you know what your doing or they conflict with other links.
Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-f)
Game Version
8 months ago
No rating


updated the SCHEMATIC noticed i put gearshit and clutch in wrong spots should be fixed now i recommed redownloading the control platform as well as it as been updated

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