How did you fix that?
ok I think I need help, I built the machine and everything works fine, the cobblestone is being produced and I placed the lava in the fluid tank + where the flint should go. I also added the water to the leave block. But where the output should be and in general where you can see the fan etc... there are no blocks. I assume the stairs which also need water are the problem but I can't find them because I didn't watch the machine being built haha.
well, I found the stair and it didn't fix anything. I will pay 20€ to someone who can fix this <3
Hey, the stairs are at the top one layer above the trapdoors, and a layer below the encased fluid pipes, they are stone brick stairs, should be able to see them from the exterior. Make sure to fill all of them to the entire top layer under the pipes/pumps is water sources. LMK if this works.