
Cobble processor. Produces flint, iron, clay, sand, glass, gold, blackstone, stone and quartz all from one cobble generator.

The cobble generator is based off the Modular Cobblestone Generator by Hobble

Has no dependencies other then create, but Hephaestus and Supplementaries make flint must more useful.
Mod Version
0.5.0 (a-g)
Game Version
10 months ago
0.0 based on 1 ratings


how do you getting it running
Did you add water to the water wheels under the cobble generator
where do i have to place the water for the cobble gen?
to answer the question of how you get the cobble gen running, you will see a room with the mechanical drills and a shaft running through the middle of it. water log the shafts and put lava on the sides, its recommended to place cobble on top of a chutes beforehand though
I realize this is for 1.19 but in 1.18 the cobblestone only goes into being made into Stone and Blackstone... it clogs up everywhere else... also the inline crushing wheels don't seem to produce anything... With help from another comment here I was able to get the cobble maker to work but it's not just waterlogging the shafts, you have to also stop the lava flowing under the waterlogged shafts to allow the water to flow instead... That being said, as this purely ran off of Cobblestone or was it ran off of other things as well?

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