Functional bus with lights :0

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0.5.1 (a-j)
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By: Doctor Sexo Oficial
December 21, 2024
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Yes or no it's cool? I wanted to test a system that feeds the battery, so I made a bus because it is very spacious. And it occurred to me to put lights that use electricity.

Something I want to emphasize is that I built the bus pointing west, so I recommend not changing the direction it points when you place it with the schematic. This is because if you do, the pieces will appear in their original direction. And it will mess, I think. Another thing, the mechanical belts break when you put the bus and when you make it physical. I think some redstone links also stop working, one breaks for some reason. Also the electrical wires break, so I will put images of how are they puted correctly.

I recommend you try it in creative first.

To get it started, first fill the tank with diesel, then put an external rotary power attached to one of the gears, this is so that the diesel and air enter the engine and start it running. This will feed the battery so that the electric motors of the starter work when you want to start the engine properly.
The diesel engine does not stop once started, so I added a brake, this will cause the engine to stop completely, so you will have to start it with the electric motors powered by the battery.

You move with WASD, space for starter motors, shift for brake.

If I forgot something, let me know in the comments.
-Doctor Sexo


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