Golden Carrot Farm

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It's a Golden Carrot farm it's slow but easy for new starters it can run by couple of water wheel or with one large water wheel. I tried showing where you need to put waters and lava. It stores the quartz in a chest that in the middle of the machine it's kinda hard to reach but it's better than wasting it. Machine size is 10x7x6.
Create Cobblestone by MrStickyPiston (Fabric/Forge)
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ola, eu fiz tudo certo porem n esta gerando nada, poderia fazer um video explicando o processo?
na verdade vi pelas fotos q em um dos cantos ta faltando algum bloco, poderia me dizer qual?
Hi DaniDeus it will took a long time for crafting a golden carrot because of gold generation made in every 64 block it will took a time to fill 64 block. Also i couldn't see any missing block.
the missing block is the one in the last photo next to the conveyor belt
If you mented block that has cobble stone block on top of it. it's a external mod to create cobblestone i mented it on dependencies part.