
It produces approximately 120 nuclear fuels per hour.

No SU input;

Need 2kFE/tick input;

It runs with Create: New Age motors and Create: Crafts and Additions's wires and connectors;

Wire it all as you like;

Do not touch anything that has a number if you don't know what you're doing! Washing is too slow compared to other processes, it was needed to lower numbers on some imputs/outputs;

Put some stacks of thorium in the Tom's Storage Terminal and plug it to your energy network.

Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-f)
Game Version
7 months ago
No rating


loads of blocks are missing is the crafts and addition wires and connectors requied otherwise i will fix the rest by my self
i had to rebuild and build more to it for it to work not everything was in the schematic and the clay generation is way to slow!!!

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