A Compact 5x15 train with 8 seats that can go both ways. The controlls are in the upper cabin, but there's no actual way to access it in this blueprint.
Made in Pinguland™.
Mods used : Create, Mekanism and Mekanism Additions (Used for Red, White and Gray plastic blocks, although it can be replaced by regular concrete or else) and Create : Things & Misc (Only for the brass trapdoor in the upper cabin
Blocks Needed (even if the clipboard exists nowadays):
37 Bamboo Planks
8 Blue Stained Glass
1 Brass Casing Trapdoor (Create : Things & Misc); Can't open it while assembled
4 Brass Scafolding
2 Cherry Window
12 Clear Lime Stained Glass Panes
4 Dark Red Plastic Slabs (Mekanism Additions)
13 Grass (I copied the grass so that you could say to yourself you touched grass today)