
I spent a while making this as simple as possible. Originally there was a lot of vanilla circuits, the max speed is about 64 rpm since it has a tendency to miss by a block otherwise. You can use it for any size with a maximum of 16 floors. I recommend using a seat with this as lifts usually make you fall through the floor.
Mod Version
0.5.0 (a-c)
Game Version
3 years ago
4.0 based on 1 ratings


hey it seems that the pistons cant push the redstone links? is this some addon mod you use or is it some weird bug on my end?
Hi there, sorry for the super late reply. Turns out it is because of a pushable tile entities mod, I think it is Quark. (You can disable other features if you don't like them, Quark is very configurable) Sorry for the reaaaalllly late reply, hope you use this in the future!
This looks amazin could you make a video or youtube tutorial on how this works? i dont have the slightest clue what is happening when it comes to redstone

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