
The fastest smelter / smoker / washer / haunter. Full stop.

This compact machine will perform bulk smelting, smoking, washing, and haunting with encased fans.
It runs at 1RPM for only 8SU.
It will process items at close to the maximum theoretical speed.

Comprehensive instructions are included in the deployed model to make setup easy.

Designed to be easy for manual use

This version is designed to be used by players, by manually adding items to an input barrel, and then retrieving the results from the output barrel.

An "auto" version, designed to be connected to an external storage system, is also available:


No dependencies - includes only Minecraft and Create blocks.

Cannon settings

Replace solid with empty
Do not protect block entities

Schematic materials

Andesite Funnel x2 (0≡ +2)
Barrel x2 (0≡ +2)
Blue Ice x4 (0≡ +4)
Brass Funnel x1 (0≡ +1)
Chute x7 (0≡ +7)
Clay x1 (0≡ +1)
Clipboard x1 (0≡ +1)
Clutch x1 (0≡ +1)
Cobweb x4 (0≡ +4)
Cogwheel x2 (0≡ +2)
Dark Oak Sign x20 (1≡ +4)
Deepslate Bricks x133 (2≡ +5)
Encased Fan x8 (0≡ +8)
Framed Glass x21 (0≡ +21)
Gearbox x3 (0≡ +3)
Gearshift x1 (0≡ +1)
Large Cogwheel x1 (0≡ +1)
Lever x2 (0≡ +2)
Mechanical Belt x8 (0≡ +8)
Netherrack x2 (0≡ +2)
Note Block x1 (0≡ +1)
Placard x4 (0≡ +4)
Redstone Dust x2 (0≡ +2)
Redstone Lamp x1 (0≡ +1)
Redstone Link x10 (0≡ +10)
Redstone Torch x4 (0≡ +4)
Rose Quartz Lamp x8 (0≡ +8)
Rotation Speed Controller x1 (0≡ +1)
Shaft x34 (0≡ +34)
Smart Chute x5 (0≡ +5)
Smart Observer x1 (0≡ +1)
Soul Sand x2 (0≡ +2)
Stone Button x4 (0≡ +4)

Additional materials

Water Bucket x3
Lava Bucket x2
Flint & Steel x1
Deepslate Bricks x4


Screenshots taken using schematic "19th century style factory" by Agent451 for setting.
Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-f)
Game Version
5 months ago
No rating


Great Design. I've just gotten into create and this was super easy to add into my world thanks for the setup instructions as well.
Does this work on 1.19.2? I just built it and the raw ores are being incinerated in the cobwebs.
Is there anything besides cobwebs I can use to hold the items?

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