
A huge Palace/Factory with multiple towers, rooms, and doors

Note the schematic includes the surrounding terrain so you might need to do a lil' terraforming afterwards, sorry

Maybe I shouldn't have built this in a mountain valley ;)

Also placing the schematic may cause dirt blocks to fill up the underground door mechanisms so you might need to dig them out after placing

Hope you enjoy :D


  • Create

  • Create Big Cannons

  • Rechisled + Rechisled Create

  • Extended Cogwheels

  • Create Design+Decor

  • FramedBlocks

  • Create Deco

  • Create Steam Powered

  • Steel Armor Blocks

  • Ad Astra (reinforced doors are bugged though)

  • K-turrets (will have empty ammo)

  • +Any API's / dependencies for these mods

Please tell me if I've missed anything, I've got a pretty big modpack ;)

Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-j)
Game Version
a month ago
5.0 based on 2 ratings


Truly an amazing base! 

DAMN this is so fuckin cool, are you gonna decorate the inside with stuff or leave it empty?

It's empty so that you can put whatever you want inside ;)

I set it up personally so that farms/machines go in the ground floor, storage in the middle floor, and a bedroom in the clock tower, but you can configure it however you'd like

I like the base alot but man you gotta make the schematic the actual build itself and not the ground cause its a massive file for a schematic and it took me over an hour to actually get it on the shcematic paper.

also you are missing a few mods in the description mainly the 2 massive doors in the main room.

I think a mod is missing. On multiple side rooms, there are missing 3x3 doors. For example, the room with the missle silo, and player launcher, there aernt any doors. do you know what mod that is from?

It's the Ad Astra mod's reinforced doors, I forgot about that

(Although small warning, the doors are bugged when you place it so you have to destroy them and replace them)

There also aernt any of the stars on the black ceiling in the main room

The stars disappear from the Framed Blocks, so you'll need to replace them yourself

I don't know why the stars disappear, i think it's a bug with the FramedBlocks mod, although you can just manually place the stars back as the item frames are still there

Hello, I loved the construction and would really like to put it in my world, but I have already tried the Minecraft block itself and also the EMI cannon mod, but it does not allow schematics larger than 256kb.

You can help me?

It's a pretty simple fix, in the pause menu there's a pair of goggles which leads to the Create config, then go to Gameplay settings -> schematics -> max total schematic size, you can change it to whatever you want but for this schematic it has to be over 4500 kb

Hope that helps :)

nice man, 

  • FramedBlocks dont have fabric mod?


I'm not sure

If you don't have FramedBlocks it should be fine, I just used them for extra decor and aren't that necessary, otherwise you could use the Copycat+ mod instead

It worked here, I just wanted to know which mod you use to build instantly because in Canon I have to go block by block and your schematic pulled the whole mountain

If you place the schematic in Creative Mode, it should place the entire thing immediately (and if you're stuck in Survival with Cheats off there is a setting to skip blocks you don't own, so if you leave out the grass and dirt it'll skip the surrounding ground and just place the Palace)

Also sorry about the mountains, maybe I should've built this thing in a Superflat world instead of the middle of two huge mountains ;)

Maybe in the future I'll make an update without the ground but I'm busy as of now so it'll have to wait.

Схематика слишком большая(


Это довольно простое решение, в меню паузы есть пара очков, которая ведет к созданию конфигурации, затем перейдите в настройки игрового процесса -> схемы -> максимальный общий размер схемы, вы можете изменить его на любой, который хотите, но для этой схемы он должен быть больше 4500 кб

Надеюсь, это поможет :)

извините если перевод был плохим, я использовал Google Translate

I don't know if it's me but when I try to load in the schematic the world crashes (I've already amplified the MB beyond 4500)

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