9 Wide Washer

Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-f)
Game Version
By: MisterOrean
June 15, 2024
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31L x 11W x 12H Smoker.
Targeted Speeds in RPMs
1) 225 Counter
2) 192 Clockwise
3) 64 Counter
4) 128 Counter
Two input double chests that feed up to side belts. The items make their way towards a single belt that randomly splits items using brass tunnels onto belted chutes. The washed items funneled their way onto "Drawer Slave Controllers" connected to the storage drawers using "trim." (You can switch out the double chests with sophisticated storage chests for more input storage).

{Same build plan as my Smoker}


Uppers | Storage Drawers | Sophisticated Storage
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