Elegant Steam Engine 2.0 By: Daffysamlake
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An elegant steam engine By Daffysamlake & L_i_r_i_c_S.
I took the scheme from Daffysamlake as a basis (https://createmod.com/schematics/elegant-steam-engine ) and upgraded it a bit. To start the steam engine, you need to pour lava into the compartment above the boilers from above, you also need to put lava on the pipe with a filter (it is marked in the screenshot with a circle with an arrow).
You also need to open the valves on the front side and supply water to the pipes. Either empty buckets or buckets full of lava can be fed into the chest.
Required Mods: Architect's Palette, Create Mod, Create Deco, Create: Things & Misc, Supplementaries, and Extended Flywheels.
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