Here is a fully automatic leather and beef farm with wheat farm. You will need 10 cows and wheat seeds to breed and grow the cows. The full grown cows stand on the open trap doors. when their timer is up for breeding the deployer feeds the cow wheat, the baby cow drops below is first blown then pulled by the belt to the place where they are feed then killed when matured with the crushing wheels. The beef and leather is collected in the double chest on top.
The input is 64 rpm, wheat it put in the upper barrel with the brass funnel. I would suggest to place blocks in all but three slots of the cow breeding deployer barrels, this way majority of the wheat goes to growing the baby cows. Make sure all the breeding deployers have wheat filters.
The wheat farm is fully automatic and controlled by the holding barrel on the Leather farm.
The is a 37 wide, 62 long and 9 tall build uses 14107su and produces ~120 beef and ~60 leather an hour
rubbish dosent work after hours of rying what a waste of time