This airplane is a jet powered using VS Tournament's thrusters as it's engines. Pegasus P-101 can carry 44 passenger in a narrow body configuration. The engines powering it are 4 EFT-4 thruster engines.
W: Pitch Down
S: Pitch Up
A: Bank Left
D: Bank Right
Shift: Additional thrust for landing the plane.
Limitations: If going high, maintain 200..240 meters to have a safe flight. going beyond 280 will make the plane get stuck in the block limit in 300 blocks.
Known issues:
1. Plane not lifting when you return after you quit. Place a new airplane.
Create Mod Valkyrien Skies 2 (VS 2) Clockwork (Valkyrien Skies x Create Mod) (VS Eureka) for the conversion to the ship Carpentry Mod and Valkyrien Skies Tournament (VS Tournament) for the thrusters of the engines