
Compact and cheap(er) Steam Engine. Produces 64,928su at 128RPM (or 64, take output from the big cogs). Should be fully self sustaining. Dimensions are 6*x7x6.

1. Place water in the 3 copper stairs at the top of the boiler.
2. Break and replace the Fluid Tanks until they reconnect into a 3x3x2 structure.
3. Recommended: Fill 4 cauldrons with lava to help kickstart the farm.
4. Put an empty bucket on the Depot below the Andesite Funnel.
5. Start the farm by applying rotational force to the middle shaft connected to the small cog. Use either a handcrank, or try a water-wheel if you don't want to click a long time and prefer waiting AFK.

*5x7x6 if not counting glass trapdoors.
Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-f)
Game Version
8 months ago
4.0 based on 5 ratings


Very good explanation and concept. Works like a dream! Yet I have troubles getting the empty bucket out of the mechanical arm. It shuts off every once a while and I gotta start it manually again. Is there any funnel or depot I can use to store the empty bucket? Or maybe even the depot under the andesite funnel
Very good. Works perfect! Sorry for the wrong Rating
The best way I've found to solve the issue with the empty bucket is to add a second mechanical arm and depot, except once all the blazes are fed they just rotate the lava bucket around indefinitely XD
(Okay I'm gonna respond to all the comments at once since this website just is like that) > Is there any funnel or depot I can use to store the empty bucket? The engine *should* just cycle the empty bucket from the depot > funnel > depot infinitely. This shouldn't impact the effectiveness of the engine, since the mechanical arm doesn't consume more SU when it's in motion. Be sure to not put more than 1 bucket in the machine (2 might also be fine, not sure), it might lock it up. If anyone keeps experiencing the issue, let me know on Discord, my username is MagicJinn, I'd love to diagnose the problem. Personally, I've run the engine for hours and it never failed on me. > Very good. Works perfect! Sorry for the wrong Rating Good to hear! No clue how to change ratings (if possible) but don't worry about it. > The best way I've found to solve the issue with the empty bucket is to add a second mechanical arm and depot, except once all the blazes are fed they just rotate the lava bucket around indefinitely A moving mechanical arm *shouldn't* use more SU, so it's not really an issue to keep an empty bucket in the system. Adding a second arm is definitely an option, but it makes the farm more expensive. I tried to keep it as cheap as possible.
something isnt working for me and idk if it becuase im dumb or something but when the sch cannon is down the steam engine is not there like the block is there bus the rest of it isnt
E9Z7 I'm pretty sure you won't get a notification for this message but if you do read it, it might be best to discuss the issue on Discord, this website is terrible for troubleshooting. If you could provide me with more information, that would be great! The Schematicannon is not great at building steam engines, since the tanks might screw up when placed. There should be info about that in the instructions below the post.

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