TManicG originally uploaded Smart tree farm. I had modified it for my use.
-changed the controls on the gantry so it will traverse the farm and back to start with no issues using redstone contacts for motion control and stick piston for on and off.
- Moved all the conveyor belts below ground level.
- used electric motor from Create crafts and additions & mekanism power source (electrical power through quantum entagloporter) to run the farm. Build still has the external rotational connection. both sources are controlled through the rotation control lever.
- reworked the conveyor sorting system with round robin belt in basement for everything not logs to prevent jams in the conveyor system.
- used sophisticated storage to increase storage space both on the gantries and in the building.
- added lighting around the tree farms so trees grow at night. I used end rods, you can use torches or glowstones instead.
- used rich soil from farmer's delight to speed up growth of trees
- can now farm all 8 trees at one time, Oak, Jungle, Birch, Spruce, Dark Oak, Acacia, Cherry, and Mangrove. Added single Propagule farm to farm just propagules due to main farm breaking/voiding them when tree is broken.
- moved rotational farms away from building by a couple of blocks due to trees growing into the building and sometimes breaking the building wood.
- Added control switch on rotational power (on/off)
- each farm & rotational power controls, and storage now all on ground floor in building. Enlarged one side of building to accommodate new controls location.
- size of the smart farm is now 86Lx57Wx22H blocks
Know issues
- still haven't worked out to keep saplings from overflowing when farm barrels are full. Using diamond barrels will give more time between emptying the barrels
- cycle all levers, open handed sneak and double right click all receiving redstone links, 16 of them (two in each gantry farm, one each rotational farm, and two in the basement for rotational power control.
- set rotational speed, 0 to 160 max. I run the farm @ 160 no issues.
- test run all the farms.
- put casings or other blocks of choice in all the frameblock on the rotational arms, and doors and buttons in the building. right click the frame block with a block of choice in hand. to check the block you must break the the thing and place it again.
- put samplings in the barrels of the gantries and rotational arms by match the sampling on the deployers.
- run the farm
befor making this a build consider making it work bro i built it to the fully and it didnt work