
Hi! This is a simple sturdy sheet farm. after you have done this you need to:

1. Add a water bucket to the dispenser at the top
2. Make sure you are making 11,776 Stress Units (at 256rpm) and connect it to a mechanical component
3. make sure you give 21,000 mB a MINUTE! (ish) to the fluid tank (GOOD LUCK!)
4. All the items produced goes to the item vault

QUICK NOTES! you may have to replace the fluid tanks as it glitches with the schematic cannon

ALSO if you can make it more compact because I KNOW you can make it 3 wide .The time it takes for lava to be placed and water dispensed has to have a delay! I don't know how to make it vertical :/ Thanks for using, this schematic, I'm still learning and I mainly did this to add it to my survival world.
Mod Version
0.5.0 (a-g)
Game Version
2 years ago
5.0 based on 1 ratings


Help the Obsidian generator is a cobblestone one! How to fix?

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