5 Player Car

Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-f)
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By: Lakelodetv
November 22, 2024
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A functional car that uses 4 levers to control and move and can hold up to 6 players (Including the driver) To drive it you need fuel from Diesel Generators (Diesel, BioDiesel, Gasoline, Plant Oil and Ethanol) after pouring the fuel, crank the handcrank until you either hear the motor or the handcrank starts spinning faster. After that, you need to learn how to control the car so let me show you.

The Opposition Lever:
The Oppostition Lever is the only lever attached vertically, it controls wether the car goes forward or backwards. The Oppostiton Lever can be replaced if only The Right Control Lever is activated.

The Stopping Lever:
The Stopping Lever is the one attached to the clutch, it determines if the car is moving or not, by default is toggled on so the car doesn't move after inserting the fuel. You need to deactivate so the car starts moving.

The Left Control Lever:
The Left Control Lever determines if the left wheels go forward or backwards, by default is on so the car doesn't spin after deactivating The Stopping Lever.

The Right Control Lever:
The Right Control Lever determines if the right wheels go forward or backwards, by default is off so the car doesn't spin after deactivating The Stopping Lever.


Requires: - Create - Create: Copycats+ - Create: Diesel Generators - Create: Trackwork - Valkyrien Skies 2 - Clockwork: Create x Valkyrien Skies
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