Cheapest, most compact Andesite Alloy and Andesite farm, at just 4*x7x6 blocks, and only 1 Mechanical Arm, 9 Brass Funnels, 1 Smart Chute and 3 vaults.
1. Waterlog the Mechanical Pump at the top of the farm.
2. Waterlog the Brass Funnel that outputs Soul Sand at the bottom of the farm.
3. Waterlog the bottom Brass Funnel that outputs gravel at the back of the farm.
4. Light the Netherrack on fire, if it's not already.
5. Place a bucket of Lava in the cauldron behind the pump.
6. Break and place the Redstone Block on the top of the farm, if the block is not moving. Place a Minecart under the cart builder if it's not already there.
7. Check if the vaults placed correctly (they most likely did not). Break and replace the vault until they all connect.
8. Apply rotational force to the farm on any point except an Encased Chain Drive.
9. Check whether the rotational force is correct. Check whether the belts are moving the correct direction. Every belt should move up.
* 4x7x6, 4 does not count trapdoors and copycat panels. If included, 6x7x6.