SLW PRR P70 Standard Passenger Car
This is a P70 Type Coach that would have been used by the Pennsylvania Railroad around 1950 behind the legendary T-1 locomotive. This replica is also intended to go behind my T-1, and is also included in the full train download.
Welcome to HB Stratos Train Works! There's a system to the large amounts of Schematics I will be uploading. This is the standard disclaimer on all my uploads.
Prefixes of the Files I will be uploading:
-SEW: Stratos Engine Works, find all my locomotives, or fully assembled Trains.
-SWW: Stratos Wagon Works, find all my Wagons and Rolling Stock
-SBW: Stratos Building Works, find all my Buildings and other Accessories for my Trains.
Other facts:
-All my Locomotives are able to be refueled with Coal for Express Service under my Coaling Tower. The Interface is often hidden underneath an Iron Trapdoor.
-All Freight Cars have Portable Storage Interfaces on the Bottom and wherever else I saw fit
-Find all my Train related Uploads to under the SLW (Stratos Locomotive Works) Tag in the Title.
-All my train cars come with controls so they can be assembled and moved as single trains without a locomotive attached.