Tileable Brass farm 1k brass per hr

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0.5.0 (a-g)
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By: KindleBubbleDump
May 10, 2024
3/5 (2)
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This tileable brass farm produces brass, iron, gold, copper, and zinc! It is 15x5x3 blocks and produces five different ingot types. It uses diorite, andesite, and lava as input and requires ~2,500 blocks of both andesite and diorite to run at full speed. I recommend having an infinite lava source connected to this farm to avoid a lack of lava slowing the farm down.

Watch the video if you have any questions, and if you're still confused leave a comment and I will get back to you!

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6 comments on “Tileable Brass farm 1k brass per hr”

  1. hey @Bablela26 maybe you are not running in create 5.1f and if not then you need to add a mod to allow for the blaze burners to taken fluids like "create: crafts & additions"

  2. Experiencing the same problem. believe this was made on a previous version / with a mod that adds a recipe for tuff using andesite and brass. not 100% sure tho

  3. Funcionando perfeitamente. Só tive que ajustar os filtros dos funis que estavam jogando pepitas para dentro do cofre. De resto está ótimo! E como o criador mencionou, é bom que você já tenha uma farm de Andesito e Diorito. Andesito usa demais!

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