Wool Farm without Grass Block Changer

Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-j)
Game Version
By: Tankrat
December 11, 2024
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I made this wool farm from three different wool farms I have seen and incorporated them into this design. This farm is for games or servers where when the sheep eat the grass from the block the block does not turn into a dirt block. (If the grass block does change to a dirt block when the sheep eat from it see "Wool Farm With Grass Block Changer" schematic). This is a 12 shearing station farm that can handle up to 4 sheep per station (have not tested with 5 or more sheep). Shears are automatically made to replace exhausted shears in the deployers. Belt system for both the shears is a round robin style of system with the shear manufacturing is limited by the number of shears at anytime in the holding vault on the belt. I run the system at 256 rpm.

You will need 36 iron ingots(minimum) to run this machine.

You will also need a crafter slot cover to be placed on the corner mechanical crafter so it can make shears, otherwise you will have a iron ingot mess on you belt and ingots blocking the deployers from getting shears. If this happens, you will have to remove power from the machine, remove the ingots from the belt and then break all the chutes that have an ingot in them and replacing the chutes.

Set up:
- Break both vaults and replace, the wool collection vault just needs 1 to 2 blocks broken and replaced.
- Open handed sneak and right click twice all the redstone links.
- Place the crafter slot cover on the corner shear crafter
- Load iron ingots into the barrel
- Put sheep on the grass blocks
- Flip the shearing system control lever down and insure the redstone link for the shear deployer clutch is activated, and apply rotational power. Check belt movement to make sure belts feed the wool collection vault and move from the iron ingot barrel to the chutes, if not reverse the power source rotational direction.
- Flip the shear system control lever up to start farming wool.

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