Iron farm

This farm has a throughput of somewhere between 9000 and 10000 iron ingots per hour through two funnels to the collection vault. The schematic has 3 iron presses, but two will suffice. One press will not keep up with the iron nugget production.
Currently, the bottleneck of this farm are the 9 pairs of crushing wheels not keeping up with the processing of the gravel.
This farm uses a cobblestone generator from the Create Cobblestone addon. This is to reduce both FPS and TPS lag.
Because this farm doesn't drop blocks, it is safe to let this farm back up when the iron is full as no items will spill out and nothing will break. The flint collection system has a back up prevention in place which drops flint into a trash can if the flint vault reaches 95% and stops dropping flint if the vault reaches 85% to prevent the production of iron from stopping.