Maxed out self power blaze cake steam engine

Mod Version
0.5.1 (a-f)
Game Version
November 17, 2024
5/5 (2)
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Netherrack and eggs NEED to be added before starting.

Hey guys today I made a maxed-out steam engine that powers itself with blaze cakes with farm works very well on 1000-tick speed but should still work fine at any tick speed.

This requires lava, netherrack, sugar cane, and chickens in the places where the farms are refer to pictures for where they need to be.

Sorry about all the dependency these are just the mods I was using at the time the ender transition allows the power to be transferred to other places wirelessly and storage draws give an option of storage way bigger than chests and create connected for the 6-way gear boxes.

If you have any issues please let me know.


Create: Ender Transmission Storage Drawers Create: Connected
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