Pig and Chicken Farm

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0.5.0 (a-g)
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By: Streetdigger2
April 3, 2024
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Hey Folks,
Inspired by polartt I made my own Pig and Chicken Farm and want to share this thing.
It is 9x9x12 Blocks and uses 192 SU by 16 RPM.
Used Mods:
-Create 0.5.1.f
-Famers Delight1.20.1-1.2.4
-Storage Drawers 12.0.2

I want to be able to make more food with the farmes delight mod. For this you need some porkchop, raw chicken and ham. Ham is only gathered killing a pig / hoglin by knife. So the Idea was born.
It is totally possible to use a normal sword, you don't have to use a knife.
The farm has some flaws, f.e. when small chickens "flying" down to the death pit, they can get cought by the deployer holding the knife. Installing a delay mechanism could solve this small issue but I hadn't a good idea to build it in.
If you remove the fences (pig side) and the slap + fences (chicken side) you can use this farm also for cows and sheep. Be sure to replace the nether brick fence with a trapdoor/slap (chicken side).

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